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1 to 1 Training with Paul


Everyone is uniquely different and that is why an individuals training needs to be exclusively tailored to them.  When you train with Paul, he will train and mentor you through your fitness journey, methodically changing and adapting your programme depending on how your body is reacting to the training.  



Initially Paul will sit down with you and talk you through a series of questions regarding your previous and current exercise experience, lifestyle, injuries, conditions, diet and ultimate goals and objectives.


Taster PT session

After your consultation, Paul will then give you a training session where he will do an assessment of how your body moves, what imbalances and weaknesses you may have and formulate a plan to go forward.


Personal Training sessions 

Following your consultation and taster session, Paul will create a 6-week training programme for you to follow on the days when you’re not training with him.  Before the first session, depending on your objectives, he will calculate your body fat percentage using a 7-site skin fold method-using callipers.  Again depending on the client, photographs will also be taken to assess progress intermittently throughout the process.  During the sessions Paul will take you through detailed explanations and in depth coaching to ensure you understand each exercise.  He will explain the intensity that he wants you to train at, with rest times, sets and reps required for each individual exercise, depending on your objectives.  The training sessions will be 1 hour in duration, encompassing warming up, assisted PNF stretching and training.


Diet Plan

Paul will ask you to record your entire food intake using an App on your phone, for 1 week.  From this information, he will develop a diet plan by taking into account your current macronutrient intake and producing your optimum macronutrients in a daily food plan for you to easily follow.

Book a free 1 hour taster personal training session

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